I have coached quite a few people through the crowdfunding process and I often get invited to the party AFTER it’s almost too late. It makes it harder to gain momentum when you have not pre-prepared. Here is what to know first
I have coached quite a few people through the crowdfunding process and I often get invited to the party AFTER it’s almost too late. It makes it harder to gain momentum when you have not pre-prepared. Here is what to know first
This guide will walk you through what you need to prepare for in generating online PR for your crowdfunding campaign, and show how you can quickly garner targeted new media PR which will give you more assets and fodder to share with your tribe throughout your crowdfunding campaign.
I made this mistake during my own crowdfunding campaign and so have a few of my clients. Many friends said that they would have loved to contribute more, but they just didn’t have the extra money.